Online exam training

Want to pass your exams? Sign up for a Slim Academy exam training!

The Slim Academy/Capita Selecta exam trainings will still take place to help all students with their studies. Using Zoom and Google Hangouts, our coaches will continue to prepare students for their exams to the same standard as before. In our digital classrooms, coaches will take you through all the relevant exam material using course-specific literature and presentations. Together, you will take on practice exam questions and discuss them in depth afterwards. On top of that, there will be plenty of time for any questions you may have on the subject.

Check out the offer for your study

Information for students about Zoom and our online training

During the training a number of things are important for the lesson to run smoothly with Zoom.

  • Make sure you are logged in 10 minutes before the start of the training

  • Make sure you have a strong WiFi connection

  • Make sure your screen name is your own name

  • Turn on your camera

  • Mute your microphone when you are not speaking

  • Use a headset/headphones when available

  • In a large group, the tutor will ask to raise your hand if you want to say something

  • The tutor may share his / her own computer screen to show videos, PowerPoint slides, websites, etc.

  • You can also share your own screen if the tutor has turned on this feature

  • Choose either gallery view (see everyone) or speaker view (see person speaking)

Before the online training you will receive:

  • Technical guidelines for Zoom

  • An invitation to the lessons -> Google agenda/ zoom

  • Slim Academy Summaries

  • The presentation slides of the tutor

  • A briefing from the tutor with information about the topics, lessons and your preparation

  • An invite for the Whatsappgroup

    1. it’s a place to speak with each other and inspire the tutor for topics
    2. It is not a Q & A

Technical Guideline for Zoom

Click here to view how you can join a meeting


Then first, check out our FAQ here to find your answer as soon as possible! Can’t find your question?
Complete the form below and we will contact you!

Do you have questions about the information on our website, one of the business units, our products and services, or the possibilities to collaborate with Slim Academy? Then first, check out our FAQ here. Can’t find your question? Then, contact us by filling in this form.